Episode 75

Published on:

29th Oct 2024

Age is Your Superpower! Discover the Secret to Unlocking Your Potential Over 50

Show Notes:


Aging isn't a limitation; it's a superpower that can enhance our purpose and impact in life. Valerie Hatcher invites listeners to embrace their unique journeys and the wisdom that comes with age in the latest installment of the Aging with Grace and Style podcast. She delves into the idea that purpose evolves as we grow, encouraging women over 50 to reflect on what excites them today rather than clinging to past definitions. Throughout the episode, Valerie answers listener questions about motivation, self-doubt, and making an impact, emphasizing that it's never too late to start something new. With empowering insights and personal anecdotes, she inspires listeners to celebrate their experiences and the potential that lies ahead.


01:08 - Intro to Aging with Grace and Style

00:33 - Embracing Aging as a Superpower

01:41 - The Purpose of Aging: Reflections

04:49 - Q&A: Finding Purpose as We Age

09:10 - Staying Motivated Through Life Changes

11:44 - Overcoming Self-Doubt and Fear

14:42 - Advice for Making an Impact at Any Age

Key Takeaways:

  • Aging should be viewed as a superpower, bringing clarity, resilience, and strength to our lives.
  • Your age does not limit you; instead, it enhances your wisdom and voice in the world.
  • Embrace the journey of life and celebrate every moment, no matter your age.
  • Self-doubt is a common experience, but it can be a sign of personal growth.
  • Finding and holding onto your purpose requires adaptation as you move through life.
  • It is never too late to make an impact; every experience adds value to your journey.

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 Have questions, comments or feedback? Email hello@agingwithgraceandstyle.com

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Speaker A:

Living our best life.

Speaker A:

It's good to be alive, but it's best to truly live.

Speaker A:

Let your spirit fly.

Speaker A:

Celebrate the journey every single day.

Speaker A:

Aging with Grace and Style in our own special Way.

Speaker B:

Here's a question for you.

Speaker B:

What if the very thing you think is holding you back, your age is actually the most powerful tool that you have?

Speaker B:

Today, I'm answering your biggest questions about purpose, motivation, and starting fresh at any stage.

Speaker B:

So if you've ever wondered, is it too late to make an impact, stick around.

Speaker B:

This episode might just change the way you see yourself.

Speaker C:

Hey friend, ever feel like those old fashioned ideas about aging just don't fit you?

Speaker C:

If you're ready to own this incredible chapter with grace, style, and a touch.

Speaker B:

Of sass, this is your space.

Speaker C:

Welcome to the Aging with Grace and Style podcast.

Speaker C:

I'm Valerie Hatcher and I'm here with empowering tips, inspiring stories, and a whole lot of fun just for us women over 50.

Speaker C:

So grab your favorite beverage, turn up the volume, and let's get started.

Speaker B:

I want to start today's episode with a reflection on something that's been on my mind lately.

Speaker B:

The idea of aging with purpose.

Speaker B:

You know, every year we gather these incredible life experiences, little lessons, and even some not so little challenges that shape us.

Speaker B:

And I've come to see that purpose doesn't fade with age.

Speaker B:

If anything, it only grows stronger and becomes more meaningful.

Speaker B:

I like to think of it as refining our purpose to fit the woman that we are today.

Speaker B:

I recently read a fantastic newsletter from a fellow content creator, Nikki Saunders, and she shared a message that I think resonates not only with creators, but with all of us as we grow older.

Speaker B:

She talked about how there's a space for content creators over 35 and how our experience and wisdom are exactly what make our voices valuable and powerful.

Speaker B:

One thing she said that really stood out to me was your age isn't your weakness, it's your superpower.

Speaker B:

And that's something that I want to embrace and encourage us all to celebrate.

Speaker B:

So often we hear the phrase over the hill or other cliches about getting older, as if age is some kind of limitation.

Speaker B:

But I believe that with age comes clarity, resilience, and, honestly, a lot less tolerance for nonsense.

Speaker B:

That, my friends, is our superpower not just in the world of content creation, but in every aspect of life.

Speaker B:

The wisdom, the experiences, the growth is all part of who we are and it's worth sharing.

Speaker B:

So if you've been feeling hesitant about starting something new or making a change because of your age, I hope this reminder encourages you to lean into it, whether it's a new hobby, a career move, or even just showing up more authentically in your life.

Speaker B:

Remember that your age is your superpower, and with that, we're trying something a little different today.

Speaker B:

I thought it would be fun to open up the floor and answer some of your questions.

Speaker B:

In this Ask Me Anything episode, so many of you reach out with amazing questions about staying motivated, embracing purpose, and living with style and confidence at any age.

Speaker B:

I thought, why not bring those questions here so we can kind of explore them together?

Speaker B:

I'll be answering a few of the most asked questions and of course throwing in some tips, stories, and even maybe busting a few myths along the way.

Speaker B:

I hope this feels like an intimate conversation between girlfriends and that you'll walk away with a few new ideas or insights to carry into your own journey.

Speaker B:

So without further ado, let's dive into your questions.

Speaker B:

Number one, what inspired you to start this podcast?

Speaker B:

Oh, this question is one that I love answering because it takes me back to the core of my journey.

Speaker B:

I started this podcast as a space where we could talk openly about all the things that impact women over 50, from style and wellness to purpose and growth, because I found that time we often left that we are often left out of the conversation.

Speaker B:

We have so much wisdom and strength to share, and I wanted to create a platform that celebrates that.

Speaker B:

One day I was looking for content that spoke to where I was in life and I realized that there was a gap.

Speaker B:

So much out there was geared toward younger audiences, but I knew that there were women out there just like me wanting real talk on the experiences that we're going through now.

Speaker B:

At that time, which was a few years ago, there weren't nearly as many over 50 content creators as there are today.

Speaker B:

And that's when I decided to create a space for us.

Speaker B:

And it's been an incredible journey ever since.

Speaker B:

There's a misconception that social media and podcasting are, quote unquote, young people's games.

Speaker B:

But that couldn't be further from the truth.

Speaker B:

Our experiences and perspectives are actually what make us valuable.

Speaker B:

Age isn't a limitation, it's an asset, and our voices are needed more now than ever.

Speaker B:

So if you're thinking about starting your own podcast, blog, or social media presence, then here are a couple of things that have helped me along the way.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Start small.

Speaker B:

You don't need a fancy setup.

Speaker B:

Just begin with what you have, even if it's one post or one episode a week.

Speaker B:

Number two, embrace your unique voice Your story and perspective are your superpowers.

Speaker B:

Don't be afraid to share them.

Speaker B:

And three Connect with other creators.

Speaker B:

This has been and continues to be huge for me on this journey.

Speaker B:

Building a network of support and community makes the journey easier and more enjoyable.

Speaker B:

Question 2 How do you find and hold on to your purpose as you age, especially when life keeps changing?

Speaker B:

This really is such a powerful question because purpose isn't something that you find once and hold on to forever.

Speaker B:

It's something that shifts and grows with us.

Speaker B:

I see purpose as a continuous journey.

Speaker B:

As we move through different stages, our purpose also evolves to match who we are at each chapter of life.

Speaker B:

And that's a beautiful thing.

Speaker B:

So there was a time when my purpose was all about family and career.

Speaker B:

But as I moved into this stage of life, I found myself wanting to inspire and uplift other women.

Speaker B:

Starting this podcast became part of my purpose because it allowed me to share what I've learned and to empower others to embrace their own journeys.

Speaker B:

It's really okay for our purpose to change, it means that we're growing.

Speaker B:

Many people think purpose is a one time discovery, but it's not.

Speaker B:

Purpose is like a thread that weaves through our lives, adapting as we change and grow.

Speaker B:

Each chapter brings new insights and new ways to live with purpose.

Speaker B:

So if you're exploring a new sense of purpose or or feeling a shift, then here's something that I've learned that might helpful Reflect on what excites you now.

Speaker B:

Purpose isn't about what you used to love.

Speaker B:

It's about what makes you feel fulfilled today.

Speaker B:

And embrace change.

Speaker B:

Allow your purpose to shift and evolve as you do without feeling like you have to cling on to old definitions.

Speaker B:

Question number three is how do you stay motivated, especially with so many responsibilities?

Speaker B:

Girl, I don't know.

Speaker B:

But motivation is something that I think that we all struggle with at times, especially when life gets busy.

Speaker B:

For me, it's less about feeling fired up every day because Lord knows I don't.

Speaker B:

And it's more about staying connected to my why.

Speaker B:

When I remember the impact that I want to make, it keeps me going.

Speaker B:

And sometimes staying motivated means setting boundaries and and saying no to things that don't align with my goals.

Speaker B:

This is a continuous work in progress for me.

Speaker B:

So there was a time when I felt like I was constantly on the go.

Speaker B:

And honestly, I sometimes still feel that way.

Speaker B:

Saying yes to everything because I didn't want to disappoint anyone.

Speaker B:

But I realized that I was stretching myself too thin and losing motivation.

Speaker B:

Now I try to be much more intentional about what I commit to, and that has made a huge difference.

Speaker B:

People often think that motivation is about always being positive and energized, but real motivation is about consistency.

Speaker B:

It's about showing up, even on the days when you don't feel 100%.

Speaker B:

For instance, I thought a time or two about not recording and releasing a podcast episode for this week.

Speaker B:

I just felt like I had too much other stuff going on.

Speaker B:

But as you can see, I'm here.

Speaker B:

Consistency is important, and for me, motivation is more about resilience than energy.

Speaker B:

As you can imagine, motivation can be tricky to hold on to, especially when life gets busy.

Speaker B:

Here are a few things that I do to keep myself focused.

Speaker B:

Number one, I set small, achievable goals.

Speaker B:

Breaking tasks into smaller steps keeps you focused and motivated.

Speaker B:

When I'm feeling overwhelmed, I sit down with a pen and paper and I break things down into smaller, more manageable steps.

Speaker B:

Number two, protect your energy, prioritize the things that align with your values and purpose, and don't be afraid to say no.

Speaker B:

And number three, Find your why.

Speaker B:

When you're clear about why you're doing something, it becomes easier to push through on the harder days.

Speaker B:

Question 4 How do you handle self doubt or fear of starting something new at this stage in life?

Speaker B:

Well, self doubt is something that I think we all face, no matter our age.

Speaker B:

But I found that one of the gifts of getting older is learning how to navigate that doubt.

Speaker B:

I try to see it as a sign that I'm growing.

Speaker B:

I remind myself that every step, even the small ones, is progress.

Speaker B:

So when I first started this podcast, I had my share of doubts.

Speaker B:

I wondered, and actually I sometimes still wonder, if people would listen if my voice mattered in such a crowded space.

Speaker B:

But I took a deep breath, I focused on my purpose, and I just started.

Speaker B:

Was it perfect?

Speaker B:

Heck no.

Speaker B:

And it still isn't perfect.

Speaker B:

But taking a leap taught me that I was capable of more than I thought.

Speaker B:

And here's another example for you.

Speaker B:

So I was just recently appointed as social media Marketing and Communications Director at my church.

Speaker B:

Sure, I can do social media for me because it's mine.

Speaker B:

So I can feel my way through.

Speaker B:

I can post what I want to post when I want to post it, and get a feel of what mood I'm in.

Speaker B:

Because I I do a lot driven by what I'm feeling and also what I think the audience or my demographic is feeling.

Speaker B:

But on a larger scale like the church, that's different.

Speaker B:

While with me every day is still a learning experience, I'M still learning what resonates with my audience because things are constantly changing.

Speaker B:

So I'm trying to figure out and stay relevant with my community and learning how to pivot to keep them engaged.

Speaker B:

With this new role, I feel like I need to work hard to succeed.

Speaker B:

Like everyone is watching, although I'm sure there's nobody that's watching.

Speaker B:

But I sometimes feel like do they know if it's going to take time?

Speaker B:

That it's going to take time?

Speaker B:

Wait, pause.

Speaker B:

Like everyone is watching, although I'm sure no one is watching.

Speaker B:

But then I ask and wonder, do they know that it's going to take time to figure out what resonates with this audience to grow, etc.

Speaker B:

Girl, so much has gone through my head, but I have to trust God, my pastor, and my knowledge and just go for it.

Speaker B:

So see, self doubt and fear are normal There's a common belief that new beginnings are only for the young, but life is full of opportunities for growth at every stage.

Speaker B:

Starting something new later in life is not only possible, but it's often when we're the most ready to handle it with grace and resilience.

Speaker B:

And finally, question number five.

Speaker B:

What advice would you give to someone who feels they've missed their chance to make an impact?

Speaker B:

First, let me say this loud and clear.

Speaker B:

It is never too late to make an impact.

Speaker B:

Every experience, every lesson, every moment of resilience that you've developed is valuable.

Speaker B:

The world needs that wisdom.

Speaker B:

And I believe that our unique stories are a gift to share no matter when you start.

Speaker B:

I know someone who didn't start their passion project until their 60s.

Speaker B:

She felt like it was too late, but she went for it anyway.

Speaker B:

And now she's made tremendous impact on others.

Speaker B:

Seeing her journey reminds me that the right time is always now.

Speaker B:

There's no expiration date on making a difference.

Speaker B:

People often believe that if you haven't made an impact by a certain age, then you've missed your chance.

Speaker B:

But impact isn't about age.

Speaker B:

It's about courage, authenticity, and sharing our unique gifts.

Speaker B:

Every stage of life brings new opportunities to make a difference.

Speaker B:

And if you're wondering if it's too late to make an impact, here are a couple of reminders that have helped me embrace this journey.

Speaker B:

Start where you are.

Speaker B:

You don't need a grand plan now.

Speaker B:

I do want you to have a plan.

Speaker B:

But it doesn't have to be a grand plan.

Speaker B:

Just take a small step toward what matters to you.

Speaker B:

Embrace your story.

Speaker B:

Your experiences give you a unique perspective that can deeply resonate with others.

Speaker B:

And then finally, don't compare.

Speaker B:

Focus on your journey and your impact, regardless of what others may be doing.

Speaker B:

So thank you so much for being here for today's Ask Me Anything.

Speaker B:

It was a little different, I know, but I hope these answers gave you a little boost and reminded you that this chapter of life is filled with so much potential.

Speaker B:

There's always room for purpose, growth, and connection.

Speaker B:

Our age isn't a limit, it's a strength that shapes our journey.

Speaker B:

If this episode resonated with you, please share it with someone.

Speaker B:

We're in this together, my friend.

Speaker B:

Keep embracing every moment with grace and style and have a beautiful week.

Speaker B:

I'll see you next time on Aging with Grace and Style.

Speaker C:

Thanks for hanging out with me today.

Speaker C:

I hope you're feeling inspired and ready to own your awesomeness.

Speaker C:

I love sharing this space with you, and if you love today's episode, do me a favor.

Speaker C:

Share it with a friend who could use some extra inspiration.

Speaker C:

A quick rating and review really helps too.

Speaker C:

Don't forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode.

Speaker B:

Let's keep this conversation going.

Speaker C:

Head over to pod.agingwithgraceinstyle.com to sign up for my newsletter.

Speaker C:

Until next time, Keep shining with grace, style and a whole lot of sass.

Show artwork for Aging with Grace & Style

About the Podcast

Aging with Grace & Style
Grace, Style, Confidence and a touch of Sass!!
Aging with Grace and Style - A Podcast for Women Redefining What's Next
Tired of outdated age stereotypes? So am I! Join the conversation as we explore what it looks like to age with confidence, purpose, and timeless style.

Life after 50 holds both challenges and incredible opportunities. Kids moving on, careers changing, it's time to discover what's truly important.

At Aging with Grace and Style, we empower women to embrace this exciting chapter and navigate transitions with intention. Expect weekly episodes packed with tips, tools, and inspiring stories to help you craft a fulfilling next chapter.

We'll dive into practical topics like personal branding, rediscovering your purpose, and building a strong support network. Plus, we'll celebrate the fun and freedom this stage of life offers - maybe with a glass of wine in hand!

Consider me your virtual girlfriend, cheering you on as you redefine success on your own terms. Let's shatter those ageist limits! There's so much adventure, joy, and creativity ahead!

Join me as we build a community where women over 50 thrive, supporting each other to live life authentically, stylishly, and with a deep sense of purpose.

Let's chat, inspire, and empower each other! Visit my website for more resources. We can't wait to connect! Sign up for our newsletter for exclusive tips, inspiration, and community updates!

About your host

Profile picture for Valerie Hatcher

Valerie Hatcher